Heal the Sick, Episode 1…
NOTE (1/12/18): We’re all learning and growing. Some of the stuff I’ve written in these old posts may no longer be exactly what I believe or think, or at least may not be articulated the way I’d do it nowadays. I preserve them in an attempt it to be transparent about my journey, and in the hopes that readers may still glean some insight from the core ideas found here. Thanks for journeying with me!
Some people who are familiar with talk of “healing the sick” in today’s world may consider the idea strange. And indeed, it may be unfamiliar territory. But is it really strange? To me, strange is looking at the book of Acts and comparing it with what we call church today. Everyone knows we’re missing something. I have been on a quest to bring it back! And now that I have found some answers, I want to share the spoils with you so that we can journey on together.
So, what do you think? Is the Bible true? The whole thing? (If you answer no, please skip down to the videos or come hang out with us in San Jose, I think it will help you reconsider) If the answer is “yes”, what do you make of these verses (and please check to make sure they are in context):
Matthew 9:35 – Jesus preached the good news of the kingdom and healed every disease and sickness.
Acts 10:38 – Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
John 14:12, 13 – Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.”
Mark 16:17, 18 – “And these signs will follow those who belive: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people; and they will get well.”
Many of us claim to live inside a bubble. It may be true – how much do you want to see beyond it? I have started to see, and what lies beyond is actually quite exciting. So if you ever wondered why so many people are bored in church or thinking the whole “God” thing isn’t for them, read on. It’s not that God isn’t your type of thing, it’s just that you are made for more than man-made religion!
Luke 10:9 says that wherever we go, “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.” These are a few clips of a type of miracle we see a lot of, some of the ones you can actually watch happen if you look closely enough. Lots of people struggle with back pain or sore feet, and a cause of that is their legs are different lengths, due to tight hamstrings or in a few cases disproportionate bones.
I recorded in more detail some other supernatural experiences we’ve seen in this article. But it’s not just us – there are plenty more videos of friends and other Jesus freaks who are doing this and more, check out this site for more videos and testimonies of people being healed. I wish I had been videoing more the past 3 weeks because I have seen a lot more than that. Just last night a guy was healed of ringing sounds in his ears. I’ve seen numbness in legs gone, headaches and backaches disappear, cartilage restored to a lady’s knee, a torn rotator cuff healed (after we prayed for 25 minutes!), a lady no longer needing a neck brace, and lots of other exciting miracles take place. Through this we’ve gotten to show people the goodness of God and I have had the opportunity to lead a few to the Lord, while my friends here have seen many more saved and set free. There is nothing like “preaching the good news to all creation” in not just a matter of talk but power!
I’ve got plenty of resources here to help you get started healing the sick yourself – not that it is difficult, but if you grew up in church and were taught healing the sick isn’t for everybody then you will definitely be having the same questions I did over the past 6 years, most of which can be answered with this stuff.
First off, let me introduce you to my friends Ryan and Laura Rhoades, whom I’ve known for over a year now and am running with here in San Jose. I have learned plenty from their website www.revivalorriots.org/ and even more from knowing them personally.
They are connected with Curry Blake, a minister who has been going after this stuff for many years and is seeing incredible results. . Below is a link to a series of Curry’s teachings that helped me out enormously and I highly recommend listening to them.
This message has some pretty huge implications – because if it is true that we have the power to heal the sick, maybe we have a bigger responsibility than we thought. But hey, letting the world know the good news is the Great Commission, not a Polite Suggestion. This is what we got enlisted in – something that can actually help save the world.
I realize this is a difficult article for any who haven’t seen the sick healed themselves. But take it to God. And if no one responds to this with questions, I will assume you all agree with me and will act on it as well! Because that’s the whole point – we’re after truth. So as a friend, I am telling you this because I’d want you to tell me truth as well. So, as my high school grad theme (almost) said, “Get ‘er done!”
Pretty soon I’m going to put another article up talking about whether everyone should be healed or not. The question may be answered for you from going through Revival or Riots website or listening to Curry Blake, but I’ll put some more helpful stuff up as well.
Alright, be challenged! Love you guys, let’s change the world together. Live it real.
Marian Landis Funk
This is really good, Nathan. Listened to all of the Curry Blake clips and found them so helpful. Love the motto “Glory and freedom.” Glory to God and freedom to mankind–this is the heart of it. Also “faith jumps across, and fear looks down”–so helpful. You are jumping, and your parents are taking little leaps too! Praise God for all that we are learning in freedom and joy!
Thank you so much! Love you!