Get What You Came For…
NOTE (1/12/18): We’re all learning and growing. Some of the stuff I’ve written in these old posts may no longer be exactly what I believe or think, or at least may not be articulated the way I’d do it nowadays. I preserve them in an attempt it to be transparent about my journey, and in the hopes that readers may still glean some insight from the core ideas found here. Thanks for journeying with me!
My time in San Jose draws to a close today, and I am thinking of the many things ahead. I love thinking about 2 Corinthians 3:18 – it says God is transforming us to look more like him with ever-increasing glory. If we really believe that, then we have good reason to think that tomorrow should be better than today. Actually, we should expect it – God said it, and that settles it (Smith Wigglesworth quote)!
I’m so glad to say that I really did get what I came to San Jose to get – experience, excitement, and a reality check. I have been fully convinced that since Jesus really is who he says He is, I really need to be who he said I’m supposed to be. I used to be worried that if I got too deep into “Christian stuff” I would just get brainwashed and not be able to relate to anyone anymore. And yeah, there is a difference between getting brainwashed into a Christian culture, and getting brainwashed with knowing Jesus. I support the latter. And since I have become convinced of this reality, I have done my best to start brainwashing myself with Scriptures and truth. I mean, everyone is technically brainwashed – the question is, with what?
I have seen miracles, with my own eyes. No going back now. You can argue someone out of theology, but not encounters. That’s why people actually listened to what Philip was saying, for example, in Acts 8:6 – “When the crowds heard Philip and saw the miraculous signs he did,
they all paid close attention to what he said.” A few days ago while visiting a hospital, we prayed for a guy who had lost his sense of smell and had a smoking addiction. After praying, he crushed his cigarette under his foot and had him smell my wallet (the only thing on us that actually smelled like something…). For the first time in years the guy smelled the scent of leather. Can anyone talk him out of an encounter like that or tell him Jesus isn’t looking out for him?
I’ve seen more of what it’s like to be passionate for the gospel. When you really get to know Jesus and what he wants to do in people, there’s really no other option but to get amped. It’s like watching Braveheart or Lord of the Rings, and then realizing that you’re actually right in the middle of a battle so much bigger than either. You hold the keys to victory inside you. You can’t lose if you’re in Jesus (2 Corinthians 2:14, Luke 10:19). My advice if you want to kill giants – follow a giant killer. They tend to rub off on you (check out the story of David’s mighty men in 2 Samuel 23, compared with their humble beginnings in 1 Samuel 22:2).
And I’ve seen the a bit more of the reality of the task ahead for us. This Gospel thing really will take up our whole life. That’s how it’s meant to be – it doesn’t make sense any other way. Five years ago I wrote in my journal, “I put my priorities as #1 God, #2 Volleyball, #3 School, etc…”. I realize now that way of thinking is flawed. If God isn’t in every part of my life, I totally missed the whole idea to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and strength” thing. I am in full-time ministry, whether I get paid for it or not. And only from staying in Jesus do we get anything worthwhile done (John 15:5).
So, what’s the main point of this article? Well, I actually just wanted to write an article without pre-planning it to see where we’d end up…
Keep asking questions. Don’t be satisfied with answers you get if they don’t actually seem to line up with what you see in the Bible or what you know from God already. Truth doesn’t always follow crowds. Your life does have a purpose. You do have a destiny. If you’re not excited about tomorrow, start writing down some dreams. Seriously. Last year I wrote down about 40 life dreams, and a couple weeks ago I got to fulfill two in one day – learned to surf and explored a sunken ship! You see, God said to trust in Him, and He will give you the desires of YOUR heart (Psalm 37:4). Could it be that maybe God doesn’t hate your ideas? Mmmm…that calls for another article at another time…
This has been what they call a “general exhortation”. But for those of you who are looking for something new, perhaps ask: have you already applied what we have been writing in the past? Brandon, Travis and I were talking the other day, and figured that if someone could just live out all the stuff from the videos and resources we’ve put online already, they world would totally revolutionize the world in a day. Since writing my last article I suppose I have been more cautious about what I write, cuz I basically convicted myself to never write about something that I’m not planning on living out!
With that, we move on. Lots of love especially to everyone in San Jose who has blessed me radically over the past 3 months and those who have kept in touch with me since being here. I’m going to miss you guys so much, but really, this is really just the end of the beginning, and there will be lots more to come. So let’s continue in life, liberty, and the pursuit of his Kingdom. Live it real.
Melissa G
This is a wonderful post. I don’t know you but I do know we have the same thoughts and desires. Thanks for sharing. I feel there is an army forming. Hallelujah, it is exciting times. Be blessed with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. =)
Great to read your post Nathan : ) glad to see a tiney little glimpse of your path and I knwo you will change the world wherever you feet may carry you. It was nice meeting you at the house when Ryan, Brandon and Dennis had homegroup still. We sorty of lost touch since then but I always remember when you spoke that one night. God bless you with lots of met desires.
Me gusta tu cancion.
Grassius, senoritas. You are very kind, keep changing the world.