My Mom’s Story – Healed of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!
This exciting story can take much of the credit for putting me on the journey I’ve been on with God for the past decade or so. Some of you may know my lovely mom, but few know how much suffering she actually went through battling a so-called “unknown disease” labeled chronic fatigue – and fewer still know what actually happened to bring her back in 2007. For those of you who have been on board with the healing ministry for awhile, the way this healing came about might mess with you a bit, but perhaps we should grapple with stories like this. Let me be clear, I’m not trying to teach new healing theology – but I do want to tell this as it actually happened. And to do that, I am honored to present to you my mom’s story, in her own words. Thanks mum for letting me share!
I asked the Lord for help, and He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

I was once a woman full of fear, so heavily weighed down by fears that I was near death. But the Lord Jesus looked at me, called me “Daughter,” and set me free–and continues to set me free. I want to give God all the glory for His amazing work in my life, and share my story in the hope that it will encourage you and let you know there is always hope in Jesus.
At the age of eleven I accepted Jesus as my Saviour, but I did not know the power of His life and His words. I grew up longing to know that I was loved, but I did not know that that was what lay buried under my drive to perform in order to receive the attention that would assure me of being accepted. I did Christian things, very sincerely, but the foundation of my life was weak; it was built mainly on what I could do for God (or so I thought) using my own human strength.
At age forty-seven the house of my life, built on sand, began to collapse. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer; my thyroid was removed; and I was given radioactive iodine capsules to swallow in hopes of killing stray cancer cells. The radiation was very hard on my body, and I began a descent into extreme fatigue and exhaustion that was eventually labelled chronic fatigue syndrome and lasted for the next ten years. During that time my children grew from elementary school kids to nearly completing high school. My heart broke a thousand times over my inability to be there for them and care for them as a normal mother would.
At my worst I could do nothing at all, not even read, which is one of the great joys of my life. I remember how wonderful it felt at one point to have just enough strength to lie perfectly flat and motionless on my bed and read a book lying on the floor near my head. I could manage this for maybe 2 hours a day. The merest effort, including trying to be present to visitors, could tip me into nausea and the soaking sweat of exhaustion. But there were times when I gained a little strength and I could attempt more. A huge challenge was meals for my family. Often I would have to lie down on the floor of our kitchen between steps of a simple meal. Many times I struggled to make a meal on my knees because I was too weak to stand. To make the simplest meal was a huge triumph for me, even if I was too exhausted to sit at the table and eat with my family afterwards!

The church we had been attending was kind and they cared, but they did not know how to help me. The medical system too was kind, and tried to help me, but they also did not have answers. We turned to alternative health options and spent thousands of dollars we could hardly spare, but there was no significant help here either; in fact, I often got worse. At times, after long periods of almost complete rest, I would be better, but my threshold for over-doing and causing a relapse was so low that even a cold could send me to bed for months.
Along the way, however, my husband and I encountered people who believed and experienced that Jesus heals today! We were excited. Our whole family began pursuing the words of Jesus with regard to healing. We searched for a church that would help us grow in this and found one that taught us much and blessed us greatly. I was prayed for many times–yet still I struggled with debilitating fatigue, although overall I was functioning better. But a decisive crisis was still ahead. Ten years after this battle began, I crashed into perhaps the worst relapse of my life. Too exhausted even to eat, and utterly worn-down by the struggle, I felt that death was near. One morning my husband came to me in my bed and said, “There is a Be In Health conference in two days in Calgary. We have to go.” I told him I could not; I felt the effort would finish my life. He insisted vigorously. I felt a deep anguish; what was I to do? I called my sister; praise the Lord that she was home and answered her phone, for this was my last chance. She said to me, in effect: You must go. There is nothing to fear; you will only experience the goodness of God.
I have thought of and repeated the words, “No fear; only goodness,” hundreds and hundreds of times since then. I did not know it then, but my sister was describing a part of the character of God to me in exactly the words I needed to hear at that time. My husband and I went to the conference, with me lying on the backseat of the car for the seven-hour drive. I attended sessions lying flat on a collapsible lounge chair. What I heard was transformative: that God does indeed heal; God longs to heal, but sometimes there is a spiritual root to illness that must be dealt with before healing can flow. The root of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I learned, was fear and anxiety producing drivenness to meet the expectation of someone in order to “measure up” and receive love. Simply put, I needed to repent of basing my life on fear, the weapon of satan, and receive by faith all that God was waiting to give me. My spiritual eyes were opened and I began the switch from a fear-based life to a faith-based one. There was so much for me to un-learn, and learn anew, but the effect in my body was immediate and amazing. By the end of the weekend, I was much stronger physically; and I knew that the miracle of grace and restoration in my body, mind, and spirit that I desperately desired for so long had truly begun and would endure. The whole foundation of my life had shifted.

One amazing memory of that weekend was taking back the foods that had been stolen. You see, during the years of my exhaustion I had progressively stopped eating more and more kinds of foods because doctors would say they were bad for me. Meals were drudgery, because I had been conditioned to look at them with fear. Then one of the speakers at the conference said that God made ALL foods and that we were invited by Him to freely enjoy them all – including milk and honey, or sugar, which were often the first two ingredients CFS sufferers are told to give up. So, after eating almost no sugar for years, my husband took me to Dairy Queen and I had a hot fudge sundae! It was so good, and I enjoyed every bite, and I did not get sick.
On the way home, I sat in the front seat with my husband! I had not done this for years. What a thrill to be strong enough to sit for hours–and not have to lie down.
So much has changed since then. I am strong and healthy, and I praise God for His goodness to me. Today one of my most thrilling things to do is to STAND with my arms RAISED UP to my glorious Redeemer and SING praise to Him for the miracles in my life. Do you realize what an extraordinary thing it is to have the strength to stand while raising your arms while singing? For years I could not do any of those–now I do all three at once! I give God all the praise and glory, and my deep desire is that you too would know the love and power of our Lord Jesus to meet and heal your deepest losses, wounds, shame and sickness. In God there is no fear, only goodness. Be blessed and whole in Him!
Live it real.
What an amazing story, Mom! It was great to hear it in your own words. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Maureen Driedger
Good to hear your story, “Mom”! 🙂 Nathan have you ever heard of Todd White? You might find his story interesting. I love the title of this conference he was a part of :”Continue the Ministry of Jesus”!
Blessings as you “continue His ministry” as well!
Maureen Driedger
I love Todd White! When I was at Bethel last year I got to meet him and hear him speak a bunch of times. His site neckministries.com also has a lot of teachings we listen to, but I think what impacts me the most is just seeing him in action. He is so real and his love is so evident. Glad to hear his message is getting out there! And thanks for the blessings, very encouraging!
I’m new to your site and really enjoying it. Thanks so much for this testimony, it is really encouraging. I suffered for years with fatigue, food intolerances, GI issues, etc. I’ve been getting steadily better over the past year but I do still get discouraged at times. This is a real faith builder and I’m taking it as a personal word to me that my full healing and restoration IS manifesting. Keep sharing your story, Mom! 🙂
Thank you for sharing. Very encouraging!
This is amazing I have stuggled with cfs for years do u think i would be able to talk to this lady by phone or email as im in New Zealand ,I feel that she could help me in my walk to freedom..this post has given me hope thankyou..
Hi Daniel (and anyone else who would like to get in touch with my mom),
she would love to hear from you and talk to you. If you would like to send her an email, she can be reached at marianlandisfunk@yahoo.com. Bless you!!
Hi There
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
I have read alot of these blogs about CFS and healing and yours touched me to the point where I felt I needed to write something.
I work in a clinic that only deals with CFS patients.
Everyday I see how debilitating this illness is including that my family has a history of it.
Its very easy to find myself getting downhearted and forgetting gods power and promises, as the majority of patients are left without hope and loose so much in their lives, including that CFS isnt exactly understood by many.
I love hearing stories of healing with CFS because I havent heard many!
Praise Jesus!
Please keep all our patients in your prayers and I can only hope that god will do something powerful for this special group of people.
Noreen O'Shea
Truly, the Holy Spirit led me to you story. I am believing for healing of Chronic Fatigue (called M.E. in Europe – chronic fatigue is the symptom!!) since 1995. Your story of ‘striving’ depicts me accutately with all associated fears – of being rejected, not accepted, etc. I have just repented, as the Holy Spirit led me, of various areas and I truly believe that Jesus can now get through to heal ALL the roots of this debilitating condition. Thank you so much for sharing your testimony.
Hi Nate and Marian,
Thanks for sharing your story. I want to know more about God’s healing power. I know He is able. So much to learn, understand, submit to, be fixed from….. I am so delighted you have been brought through such a heartwrenching time by His grace and power. I want you to know- momma Funk that your young man Nate has been a blessing to our “Way Home” cast. God sent us a man with the heart of a king- praying the Lord will use Him greatly for His glory alone. Love to you and appreciation for your work as a momma to bring him to this place:)
Wow, this is so encouraging to read. I am 28 and have recently had a relapse of cfs myself..I know deep down this is a question of God healing my spirit and my heart not just my body. Thanks to your mum for sharing this. I don’t suppose she is contactable to share more with me? I am looking to testimonies and words of wisdom from others on a similar journey to build my faith for healing! Thanks and god bless xx
Great to hear, Elyse! Feel free to get in touch with her at marianlandisfunk@yahoo.com. You can also find a ton of other healing testimonies at http://www.thegreaternews.com. Take care!
I have been struggling for a year and a half now since my husbands death. I went from almost perfect health to being debilitated in a way I have never known. Although I know something of spiritual roots of disease and have prayed for others, THIS STORY is in part key in my own recovery. I have ‘known fear and drivenness’, but now I finally ‘saw it’. It was the words ‘only goodness and mercy’ that have rung in my soul. Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful testimony, Praise God for leading me here today and changing my life today! Your description of fear and anxiety producing driveness to meet the expectation of someone in order to measure up and receive love describes my relationship with my dad and all my life i have struggled with this. I became gripped with fear after my abusive husband left and divorced me after only eighteen months. I have had cfs (pvfs) for twenty two years ever since! I just went from one abusive relationship to another without realising what i was doing. I have now been a Christian for a couple of years and am praying this reveal from the spirit today is the start of my healing. Praise God and bless you and your son and family for sharing.
Amy Louise
Thanks so much for sharing your story, “Mom!” As a sufferer of CFS syndrome for many years I finally began to see the connections to spirituality and God as it worsened he was sending me signals through my guides and Angels and I do believe that through faith I can be healed and heal my wounds through Christ. I haven’t always been a Christian, I was an athiest for the duration of my childhood and teenage years up till I fell ill at 17. Since then my faith has been stronger and I needed to see this today as things have gone from bad to worse concerning my current health. Faith and belief goes a long way.
Thank you for sharing this!