Videos To Get You Pumped About Life
Does the new year to come seem dreary and depressing to you? Do you feel bogged down by dreariness and uninspired surroundings? This is a small collection that I like to refer to when I need to get out of my own little world and into something bigger. It’s by no means a complete collection, but at the very least, each in their own little way speaks to me and hopefully to you as well…Warning: the following videos may contain loss of low vision, hopelessness, and small thinking. Side effects may include urges to do something active, getting out into the world and accomplishing life goals, and random fits of pumping fists and yelling “YAAA”!
I would love to get more footage of people doing things that are actually meaningful – however, as it goes I think that the majority of people who are actually doing things that mean something don’t get caught on video. At least I wish I could find more footage of people doing stuff that you don’t have to be rich to do. Closest I could think of is a movie called Into the Wild, which I highly recommend as a starting point to get one thinking about going beyond the box.
There are 2 other Britain’s Got Talent clips I could have put on. If this got you excited at all, check out Susan Boyle and Janey Cutler‘s first auditions as well, they’re just as epic.
An honorable mention that many may have seen in church is That’s My King.
And for those of you who still aren’t feeling pumped, well…you could always give this product a shot 😉