North Philly Report #1 – What I’m Really Learning at University
NOTE (1/12/18): We’re all learning and growing. Some of the stuff I’ve written in these old posts may no longer be exactly what I believe or think, or at least may not be articulated the way I’d do it nowadays. I preserve them in an attempt it to be transparent about my journey, and in the hopes that readers may still glean some insight from the core ideas found here. Thanks for journeying with me!
I was recently dragged kicking and screaming to a place that didn’t make a lot of logical sense to me – university. Considering the bad economy, degrees declining in value, not knowing what I wanted to take, that I was enjoying my job, and felt pretty old to be a freshman, this almost seemed like a joke. However, God’s incessant door-opening (apparently two girls at school here had been praying all last year for male leaders to rise up here, and I also had been praying that I would be out of Lancaster by the end of the year. You do the math) caused me to finally give in. The story that brought me here is quite lengthy, so I will only mention that the final Gideon’s blanket I laid before God was for Him to find me housing with other people who have the same heart as me for the Lord. What I thought was His answer ended up falling through 3 weeks before school was to start…Yet as I sit here in a brand new apartment and reflect on the conversations and prayers that have happened here even in the past couple days, I cannot help but marvel at how God brought my living arrangements together in a way that only He can do.

I found our house a week before school started. I first met my roommates the day before school started, and we moved into our place on North 18th Street Philadelphia 10 hours before my first class. To say it was haphazard would be an understatement, but here’s the crazy thing: each of my roommates – representing Lancaster PA, Ghana, and Kenya – are passionately in love with the Lord. Somehow we’ve all been reading the same books, following the same revivalists, and gunning to change the world with the truth of Jesus.
I love the culture here. We are constantly praying, studying the Bible, listening to testimonies and sermons, and having people over. And did I mention we live smack in the middle of the neighborhood where all the students go to smoke, drink and fight on the weekend? This past Saturday we hosted a potluck at our house, and after an amazing time of ministry inside we sat on our front steps, played worship songs and ministered to the partiers who were walking by. I cannot tell you how many amazing things happened that night. I feel I am learning more of what it means to be a “light of the world”. Cuz you really do stand out. Someone prophesied that our house would be an oasis, and that is exactly what God’s turning this place into.
As for school itself, it has moments of fascination, but my biggest learning moments come from the simply interacting with people outside of my little bubble. I get to talk with Jews, Muslims, and atheists. And guess what? They don’t seem to even have a grid for people like us – because, in all likelihood, they’ve never met people like us (this calls for an article on what “religion” really means…coming soon!).
It makes me wonder – what would happen if we have just one Christian professor here? Or even just a few students in each class that really knew who Jesus is? There is a wealth of opportunity here. And so much brainwashing and lies get fed to these kids – why? Could it be because no one is here to call people out on it? One of my profs actually encouraged us to speak out if we disagreed with things she said. They gift-wrap opportunities for us. I got a writing assignment this week in which I have to write about a time I faced a challenge and overcame it. AKA: share a testimony. I don’t understand how Christians can stay satisfied being in our own little groups. This is where the battle is.
I wonder if I’m feeling a little more like the apostles did when they entered a place that’s been totally unevangelized? Not that it is completely barren, but moreso than any place I’ve been before. And that excites me. Being here on the edge, that excites me. There is something so revitalizing about trailblazing.
God’s also touched me in a few really powerful ways; I don’t think the time is right to share what He’s been showing me yet, it feels too fresh – but I want to encourage you to just stay focused in God and don’t give up on those things that you’ve been seeking after!
I don’t know about my future in theater, but as I wrote in my journal on the first day of school, this is where I’m supposed to be. And that’s all I need to know. I pray that you also will find yourself at the center of God’s will – where your greatest passion and the world’s greatest needs meet. Just thought I’d write this to update everyone on the goings on and encourage you all to find a battlefront and keep at it. Much love to all who are supporting us here, miss you! Rock on!
Just looked at your thoughts here. I know the Lord has ordained for you to be here for such a time as this.
I prayed earnestly for you before I knew you- Lord send us someone with the heart of a king. Someone who wants to follow hard after you and represent Your redemptive love. When I read your blogs after Catherine introduced us to you- and I saw, among many beautiful signs of your genuine love and trust in Jesus, was your commitment to purity and respect for women- I was confirmed that you were the one we had been praying for. I continue to be amazed and encouraged that you are with us and that the Lord has a plan even bigger than The Way Home. Thanks for coming on board- but thanks even more for your testimony and gentle and hardworking spirit. You are a treasure. The Lord continue to guide you to serve and represent Him at school and whereever He has for you next. Blessings dear one- Miss Donna
Wow Donna that was super encouraging, you don’t even know how much that means to me right now. I am so blessed to be a part of this production. See ya in a few!