Jesus; Method Acting, and other Pocket-Sized Revelations…
NOTE (1/12/18): We’re all learning and growing. Some of the stuff I’ve written in these old posts may no longer be exactly what I believe or think, or at least may not be articulated the way I’d do it nowadays. I preserve them in an attempt it to be transparent about my journey, and in the hopes that readers may still glean some insight from the core ideas found here. Thanks for journeying with me!
This is not going to be a typical one-topic article, because I’ve realized that truth doesn’t always have to take a long time to say. On my phone I have a section of notes entitled Random Thoughts, which I add to whenever I feel like the Lord gives me insight into something, so I thought I’d share with you some of the stuff I’ve been putting down in the past few months. Enjoy!
(This one is for actors) I was recently in a production where I was supposed to play a king who was symbolic of Jesus. Method acting basically means you put yourself into the role you are playing, so that you can feel what they feel and naturally say what they would say; you have to look into what their objectives are, their obstacles, likes and dislikes, their past, their present, their future…I have always been apprehensive of trying too hard to get into the head of someone else, but I realized with this one that I had nothing to worry about. Because, in fact, playing this part is simply a continuation of what I’ve been gunning for my whole life anyways – to be like Jesus! So in this case, if I can be offstage who I am onstage, I know that I am living it right.
A danger of having too much technology is it increases the ability for us to become distracted. Being connected to the entire world is not necessarily a good thing – we tend to stretch ourselves out too far, like butter over too much bread. The bigger the playground, the less kids can do justice to it.
An area where you are gifted can become your greatest fault.
Ask God for strategy! He gave it to David when he fought his battles.
There is a lot of comfort in knowing that you did everything that you could do.
When you follow the Lord, you lose the need to ever know what people consider “normal”.
You can do spiritual things while alone and feel good about it, but if you only enjoy them in the moment and never commit to anything beyond that, it’s kinda like a one-night stand isn’t it?
How many of you have been in a relationship that is based entirely in emotions? That relationship is a mess. You’re allowed to think.
It’s not always about the method of doing something as much as the confidence that you put into that method that can get the job done.
Isn’t it a grand coincidence that all of the noble battles and great changes have taken place in the past, and now theres nothing more to fight for because everything is perfect? The slave trade is abolished, we have freedom of religion, and everything’s been discovered. I guess we’re off the hook…
I used to wonder where all these annoying, ridiculous jerks were that other people complain about all the time. But I’ve since realized that I have unknowingly already met many of them. The difference is I just didn’t perceive them like that. We are called as true servants to look stop looking at what others are doing to us, and instead ask ourselves what caused this person, this creation of the Most High, to act like a jerk. Let’s instead be the ones to help meet that person’s needs.
Don’t go around fighting for Christian equality or rights. We’re called to reach people’s hearts and get the whole world saved…all that other stuff is just byproducts.
(And by the way…The third last one was sarcastic if you were wondering)