Five Resources to Keep you Brainwashed with Supernatural Happiness…
NOTE (1/12/18): We’re all learning and growing. Some of the stuff I’ve written in these old posts may no longer be exactly what I believe or think, or at least may not be articulated the way I’d do it nowadays. I preserve them in an attempt it to be transparent about my journey, and in the hopes that readers may still glean some insight from the core ideas found here. Thanks for journeying with me!
Let’s face it. Everyone is brainwashed. no, I mean everyone. I am. You are. Let’s just accept it. You’re surrounded by messages of some kind or other. Some are correct, and I reckon some are not. Whether you’re into CBS News, Youtube, The Budget, National Enquirer, or those random political forwards you keep getting from enraged former acquaintances, you’re hearing something.
Curry Blake once said, “truth doesn’t follow crowds”. And I’ve found that in university, it’s pretty easy to be in a crowd. So I’ve decided to just embrace my brainwashing and optimize myself to be equipped with the stuff I actually believe – that God is alive, well, and wants to change the world with the incredible supernatural power that I have seen. When people around me are depressed, I want to be giddy. When they’re frantic, I want to be excited. When they’re stressed and wrinkly, I want to be bubbly and ironed. So, if you’re game, I’d like to give you a few resources as well to keep your head on straight when everyone around you is missing theirs. So here they are:
1. Facebook/Twitter. I know, I know, they’re stalking us and using our information to sell to advertising companies. And it can be a colossal waste of time if you have bad facebook habits. But hey, I’ve seen some pretty legit stuff happen through the ‘book. I’m part of a lot of groups that share supernatural testimonies intravenously, and even peopled getting healed through facebook. Most notable groups for me: Healing Testimonies, Divine Healing Prayer Requests, JGLM South Africa, Miracle Testimonies….and the list goes on. And subscribing to the right people is sure to fill your newsfeed with good cheer anytime (while unfollowing others can also be a plus). Just add some people from those facebook groups as friends if you’re missing that sort of newsfeed action – we’re all family, ya know?
2. Journaling. Keep a track of God’s goodness and what He’s done in your life. You don’t lie to yourself, so even if you don’t believe anyone else’s testimonies, you can believe your own.
3. Podcasts. I’ve appreciated the words of Andrew Wommack, Heal the Sick, Bethel Church Sermon of the Week, Kris and Kathy Vallotton Ministries, and the one podcast that Revival Lifestyle has put out (lol). Just search them on iTunes.
4. Websites. The Greater News, Jason Chin, Neck Ministries, Escape to Reality, Saints not Sinners, and many others can be a consistent source of miracles.
5. The Holy Spirit. Actually, He should be involved with all the above-mentioned ones, and if He isn’t, then only pay attention to this one. Romans 3:4 says “Let God be true and every man a liar” – so even if everything everyone’s ever said to you has been a lie, God the Holy Spirit will keep it real with you. ALWAYS put this before the other stuff.
Hope this helps. Sorry to be brief, but it’s incredibly busy at the moment for me. If anyone can attest to this busyness thing, this list will be even more helpful, cuz most of it is is basically portable take-out happiness for while you’re on-the-go. Till next time!