Not By Might – My New Music and What It Means…
So you’re stuck. You’re past the point of no return, you have a million opportunities at your feet, and you have no idea where to go.
You’ve been trying to get there. Oh, you’ve been trying. You’ve done all the research, listened to all the podcasts, read all the ehow articles, gone through every “For Dummies” book you could get your hands on, and followed every off-beaten path and red herring you’ve seen. You’ve got so many files and notes on your computer that you barely know what’s in there anymore.
You thought you had it all figured out when you took your first step towards where you are now. “There’s gold in them thar hills”, you said, and sauntered in blissful naivety into the deep that you’re in now. Invincible.
And now you’re stuck. The things you thought once made sense suddenly seem…shaky. Everything’s not in neat little boxes like you thought it used to be. The world is bigger and more complicated than you thought it was.
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/126529565″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
But then, slowly, the realization comes to you. It wafts in like an old familiar scent. It brings memories and images from times past when you were in situations just like you’re in now. You realize this isn’t the first time you’ve gone through this. And it may not be the last. And in those times past, you pulled through. You more than pulled through. And those things that pulled you through weren’t your mighty acts of valor or great skills. No.
And suddenly your perspective changes radically. And now the world seems almost…small!
“Wait, what’s my goal again? I want to be a president? I want to win a Nobel Peace Prize? I want to be a a famous actor? Pfft. Easy. Heck, I oughta try something new. That’s almost boring. I’ll get to that, and then what? My purpose in life will just be fulfilled? I can get there. But what does it mean? Come on. I’m tired of the whole ‘I’m scared’, ‘Am I going to make it’ garbage. Anyone in a million testimonies can talk about that. The real questions are, what is it for? Is it meaningful? And am I going to enjoy the journey?”
And suddenly being in the dark about your future isn’t such a bad thing. At the moment where you’re not sure you can have faith in yourself anymore, you’ve realized a better and infinitely more stable place for your faith to go. And for once, your brain doesn’t have it all figured out, and you’re still ok.
If you haven’t listened to my new song up above, give it a listen. And if you’re struggling, give your journey to the One whose got hands big enough to hold it all.
Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
Psalm 112:8